Sunday, May 23, 2010


It is now Sunday afternoon and we are getting ready to head to the massive drum circle / market that takes place on Sundays here at the base of Mount Royal (Tam Tam). Should be fun - Kate is going to be selling some wears and we're going to try to flog some CDs and engage in conversation with the local hippie.

We have played 2 shows in Montreal so far - both have been interesting! The first was on Friday and the lineup included interpretive dance, monologues, two bands, a short film screening and a piece of performance art. Some of it was pretty out there, but I certainly enjoyed it. It was rad to have some variety in the acts.

Saturday night's show was at le Barfly, which is a small sweatbox on St. Laurent. After TCD's set, their drummer Matt rung out his t-shirt on the street and made a puddle. Gnarly. Julian was able to talk to the barman and score us some free bottles of beer to take with us. I am now sitting in the headlining band's (Cinema L'Amour - named after the local pornographic theatre) pad (a huge open plan loft on the strip that is ridiculously cheap to rent / damn you Vancouver rent prices).

Tonight we have our last Montreal gig, then - after a day off in Monday - it's time to turn around and start heading back to the west coast. and the ocean.

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