Monday, May 30, 2011

Who are you? Danny Zuko.

In an effort to limber ourselves up in advance of tour, we headed down to Seattle and played a gig at the Comet Tavern.

With US visas all in order we blasted through dense traffic, ate some sample sandwiches, and vigilantly searched for a reasonable parking space. Highlights included performances by local acts Wah Wah Exit Wound and Panther Attack - super nice cats playing brain snapping music. A ridiculous amount of free tallboys and Seattle dogs (hot dog + cream cheese + fried onions) later we tried to crash a soul dance party but ended up tailing a couple new acquaintances back to their apartment for drinking / bb shooting / spell casting / snoozin'. On the way home I ate what was billed as a "giant" pancake; it was of average size.

Back in Vancouver - we slept on a floor for an hour and then loaded in at the Biltmore Cabaret - to open for Nomeansno and the Ford Pier Vengeance Trio. One of the best sets I think we've played, followed by the sonic revelry that is Ford and a Nomeansno onslaught. I don't think I can really express how radical that all was. So, instead of a thousand meandering words, here's a crappy cell phone photo of Nomeansno.

We leave friday on tour. Van upgrades are ongoing.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The quickening approaches!

So, we're heading out across the great expanse that is North America again, caps in hand, to play a whole bunch of shows in a whole bunch of cities. Nick L'Rage (VANeUS MAXiMUS) shows signs of weariness, but there is life in the old dog yet - he was built to safari or die trying.

Let's move on from the dying part and get to the good stuff!

We've just released a new EP, which is completely free for downloading
(here: )

That's exciting for us. We've also silk-screened a stack of new shirts and spray painted some more records too, so if you see us out there somewhere and we look dirty, malnourished or just plain old tired, buy something so we can drink heavily. It's all "inexpensive" and we're open to the bartering system (especially if you have some peanut butter for trade).

None of us are getting any prettier, so I'll wrap this up.

Thanks for reading the words. As the adventure continues we'll put things here depicting the arc of the adventure, so if you're into arcs, curves, or bends - you'll find it all here - brilliantly depicted in 800x600 72 dpi.

Here's one to get the ball rolling - courtesy of our pal Selina Crammond!