Le premier place que nous trouvons cete une parc pour beaucoup des bierres, parce-que c'est completement legal, avec Dorian de la groupe musical “Cinema L'amour.” Dans la parc un homme que regarde comme Iggy Pop - sans chemise et toute – prepare pour un “fotochute sexualle.”
Apres les bieres nous mangeons le poutine a un reastaurant fameux - “PatitaPatata.” Bon.
Toute les group musical “Crabe”, “Glass Works Coastal”, et “Cinema L'amour” jouons les musique extraordinaire a la venue “Divan Orange”. Bon aussi.
Cinema L'amour
Nous dormons a le maison de Dorian et le jouer de batterie, Chris. Merci! Les bieres continue avec hospitalite Francaise. Dans le matin Julian, Scott et moi prendre les douches. Pas ensemble.
Clean as a bag full of whistles we set for our nation's capital – Ottawa.
Day 14 – Capital City.
We drove straight into the heart of the beast, beset on all sides by symbols of our Canadian Empire. It's a bastion of tourism, business people and school children. We set about trying to promote the show (as we were playing at a rather large venue). It was incredibly hot. So hot in fact that Scott changed into a suspiciously unisex tank top. It did have a sweet panther on it, so he certainly had the right idea.
After some serious hanging out in the van to avoid paying for parking ($3 an hour), we loaded into Zaphod Bebblebrox – without our towels – and went about soundcheck and food foraging. I recovered some bread from a closing bakery, Julian located some fine meats and cheeses.
Highlights from the evening include Enjoy Your Pumas, an outfit from Winnipeg with wonderful vocals and slick chops. Very enjoyable! Also splendid were Scary Bear Soundtrack – four nice ladies with beautiful harmonies and refreshing sincerity. The locals in attendance seemed very friendly, and we had some good chats after our sweaty performance.
Scary Bear Soundtrack!!! Hi Gloria!
Nice to meet Vanessa, Chelsea & Jack / Rioting at a college level.
Thanks for stopping by Vanilla Ice.
After the gig we loaded out a went to local party, it was winding down a bit but we brought some new friends in the van and some warm PBRs, so everything was all right.
Some chatting and drinking and animal drawing later we packed it in – heading to our friend Sam's place for some sleep.
Sam, recently returned from Bangladesh, is an old and capable friend. His capabilities include, but are certainly not limited to, sorting us out for sleeping and hooking us up with breakfast. Unending thanks to such good friends.
While Scott and I enjoyed the comforts of Sam's well appointed abode, Julian slept in the van to protect the gear.
Upon our revelry we sauntered into the morning heat to rouse Julian for eats. We found him pants-less and confused from the waking, and realized that he had slept in a tinted window van directly in front of a busy elementary school. Given the state of the van and the Julian inside, it's a wonder he remained at large.
Now we roll to Hamilton (along with Enjoy Your Pumas and all other Greater Toronto commuter traffic) to potentially play a show – forces beyond our control may have conspired against us. We're not sure what the outcome will be, but some safari's cannot be stopped.
The true face of blogging on tour.
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