Last tour gig @ Comrad Sound in Calgary
We made the 11 hour drive from Calgary to Vancouver yesterday, arriving in the evening hours and headed for sleeps in our own beds. It feels cold here, but is very comfortable despite.
Due to traveling restrictions I haven't really mentioned the shows that we played in the US so far, but they were very very fun. Chicago, East Moline, an all ager rager in Lansing and a gig at the 501 club in Minneapolis - for trivia fans, this was the home of Prince's first house gig. The US is a fun and interesting place, and apparently we look like criminals and need to be searched ruthlessly everytime we cross into the land of eagles and freedom.
After playing in Minneapolis we made a night drive to Winnipeg for a show at the Royal Albert Arms Hotel. After that show we made an all night drive (14 hours) to Calgary for the last show of the tour at an all ages venue called Comrad Sound. Very fun and we had a crazy dance party sing-along at the end of the set. We capped it all off with 3 cases of Steam Whistle and a max relax at Matt's (from TCD) place.
stage 1
stage 2
stage 3
the kids are alright once you get to know them
Sweet Bean (aka Aaron from TCD) is a super dude. Here's a dirty shirt sharpie shout out to him
Adam (the legs) Lamb laying it down
cue the close quarters moshing
and unrelenting head banging
Matt looking cool
Scott and I looking pretty haggard
This trip would not have been possible without the radness of Omar at High Low Gas in Calgary. He saved our bacon.
hello B.C.
my, what gorgeous scenery you have
you can sort of see the bear that is running across the highway
Julian's place - 2nd to last stop on the home stretch / remember the Party Snake
As we're home now this tour blog will whither, but I am working on a new idea in the same vein and will harass you with it if you so desire . . .
A few thank yous -
Trevor Seaby in Kamloops
Adam, Aaron, Matt and Josh of Calgary's This City Defects
Neil (aka Zipline) in Edmonton
Skot in Saskatoon
Alex from Calgary's Monkey (and the rest of Monkey for that matter)
Adam, Andrew, Marc and Jerome of Vancouver's Castle Grey Skull
Emily in Windsor
Scott's Aunt Stephanie in Toronto
Kate in Montreal
The Diving Bell in Montreal
Dorian and Chris of Montreal's Cinema L'amour
Jack in Kingston
Kevin in Hamilton
B414 and Stoneface in Lansing
I'm sure there is more but my brain is still running at about 60%. When we remember what happened over the last month we'll throw more up.
and for the future? The West Coast in the fall . . . I hear it's lovely in autumn.
Wow, back home already?! You guys looked like naturals on the road, I enjoyed following your crazy adventure. Congrats on surviving!!