Last time I wrote we had left our van at a mechanic and were nervously awaiting the end result.
I am happy to say that everything turned out great and we were able to get to Edmonton at a reasonable speed. We played at a place called the Likwid Lounge, which was part of 2 venues within an establishment called New City (see photo above). It had been a long time since I had been to Edmonton, but we didn’t have much time to look around before load-in. It’s very big. The pizza is also pretty good.
After crashing at our old friend Neil’s place, we awoke, had our first shower in 4 days (not as a group), and - after reaching a grocery store - made sandwiches. Apple-peanut-butter-mustard-Caribbean-Chicken is a good sandwich flavour. . . the sharp contrast of the mustard on apple is splendid.
We drove 6 hours to Saskatoon to play at Walker’s Night Club. Walker’s is a full-on metal venue. We played with 4 bands that were super loud and rocking and people were into partying. The sound man took off his shirt to perform his audio duties. This may have made him more powerful. If the lack of shirt didn’t seal the deal for the power of metal, than the curvilinear tattoo of a spine over his own spine did. After the show one of the musicians – Skot – took all 3 touring bands back to his place and we ate sushi and veggie dogs that he and his girlfriend made us and slept on their floor. It was crazy generous of them and we got to eat homemade sushi at 3 am in a landlocked province. Win!
We currently are on a 10 hour drive to Winnipeg for a show that is above a thrift clothing store, which sounds awesome and may offer the opportunity to up the sock/underwear supplies. Give it up for comfort!
- Calum
Animal Count
2 Dead Deer
1 Antelope
1 Fox
0 Moose
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